Sunday, April 29, 2012

Uncanny Signs Part 1

I've gathered a number of these since my arrival in Japan. Here are a couple of signs and posters you couldn't quite come across back home. Complete with commentary from yours truly!

 1: BE* HoW gOOD
Location: Karaoke Bar
Category: Engrish

This one's a toughie. Most of the time when it comes to Engrish, you can understand what the writer was trying to say. The switching of the caps kind of offends the eye, and the asterisk after the BE makes you want to put emphasis there. BE! BE! BE!

2: KKK
Location: Parked in Ueno
Category: Lost in Translation

Oh no! I wonder if they deliver white robes with pointy hats. Honestly, now, if I were to start a company from scratch, I would at least take the time to look up the name beforehand. Y'know, in  case the company shares its name with another company, or a group of racist nationalists who lynch minorities and burn crosses. You never know!

Location: A hotel in Ikebukuro
Category: Engrish

I'm pretty sure by that they mean prostitutes. But why "foreign" ladies? Are local whores okay? Or whores who are not waiting on the road?
Is this too specific or not specific enough?

4: Don't Spit on the Conductor
Location: Ueno JR train station
Category: Unnecessary Signalization

I love this one. Is it really necessary to point out that it isn't right to spit on the conductor? Is it because this happens often? I can think of no reason to be this mad at a train conductor. Plus, the idea had never crossed my mind before seeing this poster.
 Also, I love the facial expressions! The rogue with the long hair is all like, "hey, fuck you!" And the conductor's face is all "Oh no, please don't!"
 If someone spat on my face, I'd flinch or close my eyes and shrink back a little. This conductor totally wants to catch the spit in his mouth or something.

5: The Bar Straight
Location: Kyoto
Category: Lost in Translation

I think they had in mind something like "Whiskey, straight up." But instead, this comes off as kind of homophobic, no? It's the Straight Bar. Oops.

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