Monday, April 1, 2013

A Penguin

I hardly have any explanation for this. I was with Lo, walking around Nakano Broadway, a large shopping center for objects of particular taste, when I stumbled upon this penguin and decided I had to buy it. I don't recall the last time I bought something so retarded. And then I remembered it was going to be April Fool's, so I got a little giddy.
 The rest of my day was a lot of me figuring out what to do with my penguin. Here's a small gallery.

Eventually I settled for placing the penguin on the seat opposite mine on the train and waiting for people's reactions as they got on. This being Japan, no one bothered moving the thing, and settled for respectfully sitting next to it.
 One couple even thought that the penguin was part of a joke set up by the train staff, being that the logo for the Suica, which is one of the two train cards used in Tokyo, is also a penguin.
 I eventually had to get up and pick it up on my way out of the train, but I did get to see them exchange bedazzled looks with one another.
 The penguin now sits on top of my bookshelf, since I decided the bathroom was too cramped. So yeah, happy April Fool's.

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