Friday, June 7, 2013

Geekier Than Akihabara

Akihabara is widely known as Tokyo's geek central - or otaku as geeks are known here. But that doesn't mean there's no other places for such special interests. Growing like a weevil on the other side of Tokyo, a competitor has arisen - with many an otaku calling it superior to Akihabara - and the challenger's name is Nakano Broadway. As opposed to Akiba, which lines special interest stores along the side of one main street, Nakano Broadway is a single indoor complex - 4 floors' worth of geekdom. Aala and I delve in.
Would you buy anything like this?
Holy shitting dicks on a stick. The question of the day is how much money are people willing to spend to satisfy their interest. The answer? All their money.

Nakano Broadway is increasing in popularity, and it isn't because things are value-priced. I tend to think they are in Akihabara. But they key to Nakano Broadway's success was in catering to very specific interests and owning a large part of the market when it came to certain target audiences. For example, you'd be hard pressed to find another shop that sells special limited edition train-commuter cards. Or toys of robots dating from the 60's. And yet Nakano Broadway has shops specializing in those.
 But you know, I actually kind of like the place.
 I prefer Akihabara, myself - it's a lot livelier. But the Broadway is quiet and interesting if only to look around in, and has some kick ass deco. Granted, some of the halls are still empty and shop-less, but the place is still young, and I doubt some of the stuff you find here can be found anywhere else in Tokyo.

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