Thursday, January 16, 2014

Ambassadorship! Kind of.

A while back I was referred to a government-sponsored cultural program by Aala, who told me about the means to become a part of the exclusive group named CoFesta.
 What's the role of a cultural ambassador? Well, basically, to be doing what I'm doing anyway, sharing (hopefully) exciting news about happenings in Japan with people from other countries by using social media such as this very blog.
 CoFesta's ambassadors get some pretty cool benefits. I ain't getting paid, but there's a bunch of enriching experiences to be had. VIP tickets to big events are made available for us, as well as a right to take photographs in said events that is usually reserved for the press only.
 Coming up is a visit to NHK's studio and a meeting with high-profile producers for hit television shows in Japan. I'll be attending that and hopefully a whole bunch of other events I can free my schedule for. Hurray!

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